If you have been following my blog or my YouTube channel - Nurekad then you know I am awful at twist outs!!!! Or so I thought before last weekend. Ever since my Big Chop in August of 2011 I have been wearing my hair in WnG styles because every time I try a Twist out I end up with a frizzy fuzzy mess. Now to be fair I have only tried twists about 5 times in the last year because they end up looking so bad. I'm not exactly sure what made me want to try again last weekend, other than I hate feeling like I can't do something and it was a 3 day weekend from work. So late Friday night, actually very late it was about midnight I co-washed my hair and started into my twisting journey yet again. I'll be honest I did not have high hopes that my hair would look good. I was just hoping it would not look bad. I used the same steps I had used in the past. I applied leave in then styler and twisted. This time I used CoCo Curls as my styler. After I was done twisting I was shocked at how much my hair has grown in the last year. My twists actually looked good enough to wear out without hiding them under a hair or hair accessory. Now that is progress. I wore the twists for 2 full days and then on Monday (Labor Day) the true test came. Would I be able to wear a twist out or would my hair be a frizzy fuzzy mess???? I oiled my hands with Ampro Vitamin E oil and started untwisting. I did NOT separate the twists into smaller sections as suspected this was what had caused my frizziness before. When all was said and done I was shocked at how good my hair actually looked and at how long my hair has gotten. Although I will no doubt still wear WnG styles most often it is great to see how much progress my hair has made over the past year. Now I have another style I can add to my bag of tricks.
Front view of my twists
Twist Out Results Yayyyyy!!!!
CoCO Curls
Below are previous twists and twist outs attempted over the past year